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LangChain 踩坑小记

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记录 LangChain 吃过的坑.

prompt 相关


一般写 prompt 的时候会用{}把变量控制住,但是有时候你不一定要用到变量, 算了, 说的有点绕, 举个例子就知道了

"""I have a JSON file below : {input_language} . Now I have a new attribute " {output_language} " with its value " {test} ". You need to check if the attribute exists in the JSON keys, and to Check if the attribute exists in the JSON values(allow a little difference). After that return me a JSON file with {original attribute name or the one you find in JSON file that suits better: original attribute value or the one you find in JSON file that suits better}. Remeber to put the value in a list! And you only need to return the one you add!"""


{original attribute name or the one you find in JSON file that suits better: original attribute value or the one you find in JSON file that suits better}.

实际上 py 的 f-string 会在这里识别错误 (pydantic 报错),正确的做法是用 把不是变量的括号表示出来. 这样在用 prompt.format(**kwags) 时会自动把双括号变成单括号.