Untitled 1
众所周知,为了得到一个 +++ 的技能,需要八个一级魂质和七个可以用来升级该魂质的(committed)技能,也就是说想要完美九术九魂 +++,仅靠智慧树是不可能的,还需使用其它手段。
但,想要九魂质 ++ 并不是什么难事,请按照下方教程来操作。
如下所示,左侧是技能名称,右侧是对应的两个伟大之术,-1 代表对应的伟大之术无法用来升级对应 commit 的魂质(使用启示除外,但考虑到启示只能用一次,还是推荐大家按照这个表来填智慧树)。
打个比方,比如下方的第一个技能 Anbary & Lapidary,请把它托付(commit)给盗火术(Ithastry)。
对于下方第四个技能 Coil & Chasm,把它托付给谁都无所谓了,因为它没有办法用(常规方法)来进化魂质。
Anbary & Lapidary: -1, Ithastry
Applebright Euphonies: Bosk, -1
Auroral Contemplations: Illumination, -1
Bells & Brazieries: Horomachistry, -1
Coil & Chasm: -1, -1
Desires & Dissolutions: Bosk, -1
Disciplines of the Hammer: Illumination, -1
Disciplines of the Scar: -1, Illumination
Door & Wall: -1, Nyctodromy
Drums & Dances: Bosk, -1
Edicts Inviolable: -1, Preservation
Edicts Liminal: Nyctodromy, -1
Edicts Martial: Horomachistry, -1
Furs & Feathers: Bosk, -1
Glassblowing & Vesselcrafting: -1, Ithastry
Glaziery & Lightsmithing: -1, Ithastry
The Great Signs and the Great Scars: -1, -1
Herbs & Infusions: -1, Preservation
Hill & Hollow: -1, -1
Horns & Ivories: -1, Skolekosophy
Inks of Containment: -1, -1
Inks of Power: -1, -1
Inks of Revelation: Hushery, Ithastry
Insects & Nectars: -1, -1
Leaves & Thorns: Birdsong, Bosk
Lockworks & Clockworks: -1, Skolekosophy
Maggephene Mysteries: Hushery, Preservation
Meniscate Reflections: -1, -1
Orchids & Narcotics: Bosk, -1
Ouranoscopy: -1, Hushery
Path & Pilgrim: -1, Nyctodromy
Pearl & Tide: -1, Nyctodromy
Pentiments & Precursors: Birdsong, Skolekosophy
Preliminal Meter: -1, -1
Purifications & Exaltations: -1, Ithastry
Putrefactions & Calcinations: Ithastry, -1
Pyroglyphics: -1, Ithastry
Quenchings & Quellings: -1, Preservation
Ragged Crossroads: -1, -1
Resurgences & Emergences: -1, Preservation
Rhyme & Remembrance: Birdsong, -1
Rites of the Roots: -1, Preservation
Sacra Limiae: -1, Hushery
Sacra Solis Invicti: -1, Illumination
Sand Stories: Birdsong, -1
Sea Stories: Birdsong, -1
Serpents & Venoms: Hushery, -1
Sharps: -1, -1
Sickle & Eclipse: -1, -1
Sights & Sensations: Hushery, -1
Sky Stories: -1, Horomachistry
Snow Stories: Birdsong, Hushery
Solutions & Separations: -1, Skolekosophy
Spices & Savours: Bosk, -1
Stitching & Binding: -1, Preservation
Stone Stories: -1, -1
Strings & Songs: -1, -1
Surgeries & Exsanguinations: -1, Preservation
Transformations & Liberations: -1, -1
Tridesma Hiera: Bosk, -1
Watchman's Paradoxes: Illumination, -1
Weaving & Knotworking: -1, Bosk
Wolf Stories: Birdsong, -1
Cracktrack: -1, -1
Deep Mandaic: Horomachistry, Ithastry
Ericapaean: -1, Illumination
Fucine: -1, -1
Hyksos: -1, Skolekosophy
Kernewek Henavek: Bosk, -1
Killasimi: -1, -1
Ramsund: -1, -1
Sabazine: -1, Horomachistry
Vak: -1, Nyctodromy
aspect={'Knock':' 启 ','Lantern':' 灯 ','Forge':' 铸 ','Edge':' 刃 ','Winter':' 冬 ','Heart':' 心 ',
'Grail':' 杯 ','Moth':' 蛾 ','Nectar':' 蜜 ','Scale':' 鳞 ','Sky':' 穹 ','Rose':' 引 ','Moon':' 月 '}
soul={' 灵识 ':[' 灯 ',' 穹 '],' 灵躯 ':[' 引 ',' 蛾 '],' 雄辩 ':[' 启 ',' 铸 '],' 魂暮 ':[' 杯 ',' 刃 '],
# ' 脉律 ':[' 心 ',' 杯 '],' 魂毅 ':[' 铸 ',' 刃 '],' 魂忆 ':[' 冬 ',' 灯 '],' 悲恸 ':[' 蛾 ',' 月 '],' 健康 ':[' 心 ',' 鳞 ',' 蜜 ']}
'Anbary & Lapidary':{
'Applebright Euphonies':{
'Auroral Contemplations':{
'Bells & Brazieries':{
'Coil & Chasm':{
'Desires & Dissolutions':{
'Disciplines of the Hammer':{
'Disciplines of the Scar':{
'Door & Wall':{
'Drums & Dances':{
'Edicts Inviolable':{
'Edicts Liminal':{
'Edicts Martial':{
'Furs & Feathers':{
'Glassblowing & Vesselcrafting':{
'Glaziery & Lightsmithing':{
'The Great Signs and the Great Scars':{
'Herbs & Infusions':{
'Hill & Hollow':{
'Horns & Ivories':{
'Inks of Containment':{
'Inks of Power':{
'Inks of Revelation':{
'Insects & Nectars':{
'Leaves & Thorns':{
'Lockworks & Clockworks':{
'Maggephene Mysteries':{
'Meniscate Reflections':{
'Orchids & Narcotics':{
'Path & Pilgrim':{
'Pearl & Tide':{
'Pentiments & Precursors':{
'Preliminal Meter':{
'Purifications & Exaltations':{
'Putrefactions & Calcinations':{
'Quenchings & Quellings':{
'Ragged Crossroads':{
'Resurgences & Emergences':{
'Rhyme & Remembrance':{
'Rites of the Roots':{
'Sacra Limiae':{
'Sacra Solis Invicti':{
'Sand Stories':{
'Sea Stories':{
'Serpents & Venoms':{
'Sickle & Eclipse':{
'Sights & Sensations':{
'Sky Stories':{
'Snow Stories':{
'Solutions & Separations':{
'Spices & Savours':{
'Stitching & Binding':{
'Stone Stories':{
'Strings & Songs':{
'Surgeries & Exsanguinations':{
'Transformations & Liberations':{
'Tridesma Hiera':{
'Watchman's Paradoxes':{
'Weaving & Knotworking':{
'Wolf Stories':{
'Deep Mandaic':{
'Kernewek Henavek':{
for key,item in skills.items():
if ((item['aspect'][0] not in arts[item['art'][0]]) or (item['aspect'][0] not in soul[item['soul'][0]]))and((item['aspect'][1] not in arts[item['art'][0]]) or (item['aspect'][1] not in soul[item['soul'][0]])):
if ((item['aspect'][0] not in arts[item['art'][1]]) or (item['aspect'][0] not in soul[item['soul'][1]]))and((item['aspect'][1] not in arts[item['art'][1]]) or (item['aspect'][1] not in soul[item['soul'][1]])):
for key,item in skills.items():
print(key,':',item['art'][0],',',item['art'][1]) 作者:末路江郎 https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv27682786/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0 出处:bilibili