The art of impossible
超越不可能 读书笔记
如果对这本书感兴趣的话, 请务必确保 读的是英文原版的, 很多词汇无法被中文准确的表达出 (尤其是术语).
其生物学公式是 心流
当你要挑战不可能解决的问题时, 心流只是一个必要条件, 而非充分条件.
-- " 你或许有一定赢的概率, 但输的概率基本上是 100%"
我寻思这不就是拉姆达和贝伦 (战人和贝阿朵) 的游戏吗..
我们之所以没有发挥出全部潜能, 是因为没有养成发挥 潜能的习惯,
动机能让你投入游戏, 学习力能帮助你持续参与, 创造力能为你指明前行的方向, 而心流则帮助你火力全开,超越所有理论标准和预期.朋友们, 这才是真正的不可能的艺术.
This is another reason why peak performance is an infinite game. But it’s also why the quartet of skills at the heart of this book matters so much. Motivation is what gets you into this game; learning is what helps you continue to play; creativity is how you steer; and flow is how you turbo- boost the results beyond all rational standards and reasonable expectations. That, my friends, is the real art of impossible.
准备好开始这场无限的游戏了吗, 把棋盘翻转过来吧!
动机 (motivation)
motivation = drive+ goals+grit
驱动力 (drive)
燃料来源: 体能燃料和心理燃料
体能燃料故名思意, 就是吃好睡好, 心理健康.
心理燃料就是好奇心, 激情和使命感等等一系列精神来源的叠加.
海猫鸣泣之时 就是我这段时间的精神燃料, 让我重启了以心流为导向的自我再发觉,这么一想, 我过去玩过的那些 galgame, 那些看过的书, 本质上都是在积累精神燃料, 为什么有些游戏我玩不下去 (baldr's gate), 因为没营养,哈哈, 一切都说的通了. 那么实际上, 悲剧,不幸,很多复杂的东西似乎也可以看作燃料. 以燃料这个视点似乎可以解释我的很多行为.
内在的驱动, 比如希望控制自己的时间 (自主性), 做自己感兴趣的项目 (好奇心或激情), 以及做更重要的项目 (意义感和使命感).
游戏主要是为了让人们掌握社会规则, 学会社交互动.
奖励机制背后的神经化学原理并不仅仅取决于某一种神经化学物质, 而是多种神经化学物质作用的结果.
多巴胺 (Dopamine)
去甲肾上腺素 (Norepinephrine)
催产素 (Oxytocin)
5- 羟色胺 (Serotonin)
内啡肽 (Endorphins)
大麻素 (anandamide)
Flow may be the biggest neurochemical cocktail of all. The state appears to blend all six of the brain’s major pleasure chemicals and may be one of the few times you get all six at once. This potent mix explains why people describe flow as their “favorite experience,” while psychologists refer to it as “the source code of intrinsic motivation.”
多种好奇心的交集不仅能提升好奇心强度, 还能为模式识别或联想创造必要条件.
与外界互动可以分泌更多多巴胺, 并且能分泌催产素, 正反馈给好奇心.
通过使用 " 宏大变革目标 " 增加自己的使命感.
这个作者的写作技巧有够烂的, 看的我喳喳呼呼的...
不要为自己的失败找借口, 继续回来看!
为了呈现巅峰表现, 运动毫无疑问是必要的.
的确, 我给自己的最小运动单位量就是, 捏 100 下握力器, 大概一首歌的时间就可以完成, 对于没有运动习惯的人来说, 我觉得这是一个很好的切入点.
Finally, all of this translates into some extremely practical advice. To really harness mastery as a motivator, take the 15 percent of your life that you’ve carved out for yourself—call it your autonomy time—and spend it pushing on that challenge-skills balance, trying to get a little better at something that’s aligned with curiosity, passion, and purpose. Start chasing the high of incremental improvement. Get hooked on the dopamine loop of advancement. Try to get a little better today, try to get a little better tomorrow.
目标 (GOALS)
大脑每秒最多可以处理 126 比特信息.
高且有难度的目标: 是什么?
特指那些 high hard goals, 宏大变革目标,看着可以感觉是人生的终极理想 (233)
有这些目标的话, 当自己的时间没有对这些目标作出贡献时, 自己能清晰的认识到.
我现在感觉这版书翻译的太差了!!!(中信出版社集团版本),正好手头有原版电子书, 后面就开始看英文原版的了.
举个例子, 原文中下一节的标题是 clear goals, 译者翻译为了 明确目标, 把 clear 翻译成明确并且, 把动词形容化, 我是真的受不了这种翻译, 简简单单的翻译为明确的目标或者清晰的目标不好吗????
(我能发现, 是英文我手头只有英文电子版的, 在用英文版的对照摘录)
Equally crucial, clear goals are an important flow trigger.
clear goals 是很好的心流触发器, 这点实在是太关键了!
这里作者巧妙的说出了 Goals 的三个 timescales 不同的层次
- MTP(massively transformative purpose) -> Life Time
- HHG(hard, high Goals) -> Years
- Clear Goals -> Minutes
只有 clear goals 是心流触发器, 其他并不是!!
Recovery is critical to sustained peak performance, but peak performers can become a little obsessive, getting into workaholic mode and never getting out. So knowing how to stop working without feeling bad about stopping is key for long-term success.
新观点, 确实, 怎么退出也蛮重要的.
Grit (坚毅力)
这句话也是我最近的行动指南, 最近一直有在打 maimai, 但当我意识到打 maimai 实际上是一种发泄压力的方式时, 我出于保留燃料的考虑, 戒掉了 maimai(最意想不到的一集).
Think of it this way: intrinsic motivation launches you down the path of peak performance, proper goal setting helps define that path, and grit is what keeps you keeping on despite the odds and obstacles.
Grit = passion U perseverance (表示交集)
神经科学方面介绍 Grit:
The prefrontal cortex (前脑额叶皮层) - 负责 "goal-directed behavior" 和 "self-regluation"
Embrace the SUCK
three levels of well-being
- moment to moment happiness
- engagement: high-flow life style
- purpose?. blends the high-flow lifestyle of level two with the desire to impact lives beyond our own.
Persistence = willpower + mindset + passion
will power 会随着时间下降, 所以你需要 "eat your ugly frog first"
有哪些能补充 willpower 的方法?:
- 午睡
- 喝咖啡
- 简单锻炼
之前在 X 上看到了一篇关于意志力对坚持习惯是无效的书, 现在找不到了. 找到链接了的话记得贴在这里
Mindset (思维方式)
思维方式这个词太笼统抽象了, 用作者的引用应该是 " If you think you can, or you think you can't, well, you're right"-- Our Attitude toward learning
看了作者的描述, 我是一个坚定的 Growth Mindset 的人.
啥都没说,.., 对了, 好奇是一切的开始, 咱们的这次旅程也是从对心流的好奇开始的.
The grit to control your thoughts
And I submit that this is what the real, no bullshit value of your liberal arts education is supposed to be about: how to keep from going through your comfortable, prosperous, respectable adult life dead, unconscious, a slave to your head and to your natural default setting of being uniquely, completely, imperially alone day in and day out. That may sound like hyperbole, or abstract nonsense. Let’s get concrete. . .
这段话似乎来自美国作家大卫·福斯特·华莱士(David Foster Wallace)的一篇演讲,尽管没有明确提到出处。在这段话中,华莱士讨论了自由艺术教育的真正价值,即超越了传统意义上的知识和技能教育。
emmm, 有时间可以看看 This is water. 但不是现在.
感激练习 (是否要开一个感激练习的 subtask 呢>?)
好吧, 试一个月看看效果
为什么要正念 A: To control the GAP
为了控制一个念头和大脑赋予这个念头情绪的这个短暂时刻进行干预. (这个短暂的时刻作者成为 GAP)
正念就是为了察觉到这个 GAP, 以及这个 GAP 后的情绪.
(这个当然是可以练习的! 就和你打 maimai 一样)
- 冥想, 啥事都不做, 在那坐五分钟, 然后不停的察觉到涌出来的念头以及情绪 (其实念头不重要! 重要的是念头引起的情绪, woc! 我这里不知道尝试过多少次冥想练习却从来没有注意到这一点),在察觉到后, 把念头拉回来, 这又被称为单点练习 (single-point mindfulness)
- 开放练习, 就是只关注思维的涌动, 不对他们做任何干涉.
这么看 正念还是很有用的啊.
The Grit to fear
很多时候, 我们都没有意识到我们的情绪是恐惧, 他们被错误的编译和重定向 (misinterpreted and redirected:-)), 输出为 blame, anger, sadness 和一些不理性的行为和想法.
为了克服这些, 你需要意识到恐惧.
"Do it despite the fear" -> "Do it because of the fear"
意识到想像比现实更难, 你就不会在恐惧了 (因为恐惧本身就是很消耗能量 的行为)
恐惧是心流路上的好帮手: 朝着你最害怕的方向前进会提高你的专注力并将其转换为心流.
The Grit To Be your Best when you're at your worst
这一节在讲,当你在最糟糕的时候做最好的自己可以最大程度的体现你的坚毅力 (grit)
看着似乎有些云里雾里, 但是我觉得, 用 原子习惯 中的 " 意于阑珊 " 就能很好解释这个问题
作者用了一个词 "second wind" 来形容, 可以参考.
The grit to recover
恢复的 Grit, 这个好难, 确实, 有时候即使是抱着这样的念头:
" 学的太累了, 我要去附近的植物园逛逛休息下 " 也是需要 Grit 的 (因为懒?)
勇于精进, 养成习惯, 习惯影响性格, 性格影响命运.
If you're hunting high achievements,motivation is what gets you into the game, but learning is what keeps you there.
- patterns that novices don't notice
- Anomalies or events didn't happen or events that violate expectations
- The big picture
- The way things work
- Opportunities and improvisations
- Events that already happened or will happen
- Difference that are too small for novices to detect
- Their own limitations
Truth filter 和 第一性原理
这里我没有看太明白, 作者举了马斯克的例子,在 space-X 中第一性原理在马斯克的例子里指定的是, 火箭的实际成本是市场价的 2%,基于这个第一性原理, 马斯克开始了 space-x, 其中发现造价低的事实就是马斯克基于 Truth filter 发现的.(大致是这个意思,只是记录)
作者这里想介绍 ROI on reading, 读书的回报率
Blogs: 阅读三分钟,获得作者 3 天的工作成果
Articles: 阅读二十分钟, 获得作者几个月的工作成果
Books: 阅读几个小时, 获得作者几年的工作成果
(这么一想, 读书确实要划算)
但是作者可以把书的内容浓缩到 blogs 里啊>? 作者认为这不好, 因为你没有获知细节.
我想要用动漫和 Galgame 来谈谈自己的理解, 动漫确实把动则 100 个小时的 gal 浓缩到了十几个小时, 但丢失了多少细节? 丢失了多少自己思考的时间? 丢失了多少自己暂停的机会?
这也是我为什么开始玩 gal 后就不看动漫的原因, 好的作品是需要投入时间的, 没有心的作品只会让人觉得无味.
Five not-so-easy steps for Learning almost Anything
Step 1: The five books of stupid
在自己一无所知的时候 (stupid), 通读五本书
阅读这五本书的主要目的是识别术语 (模式识别)
目的: 建立新知识的滩头阵地
- 把历史叙述记录下来
- 关注术语. 如果一个专业术语出现了三四次, 把它记下来. 如, 这本书出现的 Grit 这个单词
- 最重要的一点 -- 把所有让你感到兴奋的东西记下来.
- 第一本书: 你能找到的关于这个话题的最能 流行的, 最畅销的书,目的是找到乐趣. (<原子习惯>)
- 第二本书: 选择一本同样很受欢迎, 但通常更专业, 与主题性相关性更强的书.(为了唤起幸福感)
- 第三本书: 选择这个领域的半技术性读物.
- 第四本书: 真正深奥的书.
- 第五本书: 主题的发展
书的内容没有什么参考性, 但是层次, 兴趣这些东西是十分重要的
看不懂 算了
情绪是 恐惧, 欲望, 关怀,游戏, 愤怒, 寻求和恐慌/悲伤 的共同的作用结果.
(: fear, lust, care, play, rage, seeking, and panic/grief.)
从神经生物学的角度来看 情商可以被认为是有效 " 管理 " 这个奇怪个网络中每一个网络所需要需要的认知能力.
训练情商就是, 训练识别这些区域发出的信号, 并相应的学习对他们采取行动或不采取行动.
情商的四个方面: 自我意识, 自我管理, 社会意识和关系管理.
不知道这几章都在讲什么.... 感觉有点云里雾里的
训练 - The Rise of Superman
" 要想在某一领域达到精通掌握, 需要一万个小时的 ' 刻意练习 ' "
母亲, 音乐家 和棉花糖 (marshmallows: delayed gratification)
对 " 一万小时 " 定律的质疑:
- 一万小时定律本人的质疑 (很多人的训练超过 1w 小时)
- 作者 Rise of Superman 中对运动员 的研究, 他们的训练不设计 1w 小时提出的三要素,却依然成功
- Discovery: the zigzag path to peak performance
Match Quality
匹配质量: which is the term economists use to describe a very tight fit among skills, interests, and the work that you do.
Sampling Period
早教的一个缺点: "fadeout effect"
从大的角度求看,匹配质量是好奇心、激情、目栐、掌控力、自权 -- 被适当堆叠的标志
More Flow
如何获得成就: start with match Quality, it most definitely ends with flow.
Amplify learning and memory.
When flow is the reward, learning shifts from something done consciously, with energy and effort, to something done automatically, out of habit and joy.. It’s the habit of ferocity applied to learning. If we can automate this whole instinct, from the first spark of curiosity that ignites the adventure through the rush of mastery that is its never-ending conclusion, then we’re constantly feeding our passion and purpose. This is what allows us to play the infinite game. If you keep learning, you keep playing. And if you keep playing for years on end, one day you might notice that the stakes involved not only exceed your expectations, they exceed your imagination —which is, after all, one reason they call it the “infinite game.”
有点搞不懂啊, 为什么需要创造力..
Reading + Writing + Arithmetic => Creativity + Critical thinking + collaboration +cooperation
啊, 我好难受 啊, 真心看不懂啊.
注意力网络 (attention)
subthalamic nucleus. Subthalamic nucleus - Wikipedia
信息通过感官进入, 同过丘脑被路由到丘脑下核. 在这里, 神经元进行两个行为:
- 帮助调节本能行为 (Regulate instinctive behaviors)
- 这个区域还提供了聚光灯注意力中的“聚光灯”,只不过不是你想象的那种方式。
丘脑下核并不是那种强调重点的, 而是把其他的吸引注意力的东西 dim 掉.
确实啊, 聚光灯每次使用都需要伴随着暗幕 (dim).
前扣带皮质(anterior cingulate cortex,简称 ACC)是大脑中的一个区域,位于大脑两半球的内侧表面,正上方是扣带回(cingulate gyrus)的前部。它是边缘系统的一部分,与情绪形成、决策、奖励预期、同理心、冲动控制、情绪调节和错误检测等多种认知和情感功能相关联。
顶叶皮质(parietal cortex)是大脑顶叶的一部分,位于大脑的上部和侧面,大致位于两耳之间。顶叶皮质在处理感官信息、空间定位、身体感知、运动协调以及注意力等方面起着关键作用。
体感觉皮质(somatosensory cortex):它位于顶叶的前部,紧邻中央沟(central sulcus),是主要的感觉输入区域。体感觉皮质负责处理身体各部位传来的触觉、压力、温度和疼痛等感觉信息。
顶顶叶(superior parietal lobule)和下顶叶(inferior parietal lobule):这些区域在处理复杂的空间任务和注意力集中方面特别重要。例如,下顶叶包括了安杰利娜区(angular gyrus)和苏普拉玛金纳区(supramarginal gyrus),这些区域与语言理解、数学能力、空间感知和身体定位有关。
error correction:
在执行前, 信息会被 ACC 进行错误纠正
executive attention:
parietal lobe functions:
- help our eyes stay locked on the target.
- allow goals to be integrated with attention
- help us meet the goals
parietal lobe 帮助我们对外界作出反应.
prefrontal cortex
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
- where working memory lives
orbitofrontal cortex:
Imagination Network
Spontaneous thoughts
the system is active when we're awake but not focused on anything in particular--about 30% about the time.
When we’re training the brain to be more creative, a part of what we’re training is this capacity for network co-activation.
bend break blend
These are the skills beneath creativity, allowing us to bend what we see, break apart what we sense, and blend it all back together in a brand-new way.
the salience network
Salience(显著性) => noticeability
when you noticed the feeling of that loose ladder step, the insula used that looseness to catch your attention, while the anterior cingulate turned that salience into an error signal—don’t take that step, something’s wobbly in Denmark.
insula catches attention, anterior cingulate turned salience into an error signal.
But creative brains don’t have this tendency. Their repetition suppression reflex isn’t on the job. What this translates to in the real world is the ability to notice the new in the old.
如何训练 creativity
Hacking Creativity=> “figuring out how to get your neurobiology to work for you rather than against you."
Step1: Befriend your ACC
Remote association problems: (远程联想问题)
. Subjects are given three words—pine/crab/sauce—and one goal: find a fourth word that complements each. In this case, the answer is “apple,” as in: pineapple, crab apple, and applesauce.
给定三个词 — "star"(星星), "blue"(蓝色), "house"(房子)。你的任务是找到一个与这三个词都能形成某种联系的第四个词。
我的第一答案 (1s 内):earth
因为 earth 同时拥有以上的三个属性
后来想到了一个答案 - light, 因为三者同时可以与之产生联系. 注意两个答案的不同之处. 一个是聚焦的, earth 同时有三个属性, 一个是发散的,三者都能与 light 产生联系.
the ACC lights up when we are considering those off-the-wall ideas.
当我们在做一些有趣的事情的时候,ACC 会由默认模式切换到 executive attention network.
what lights up the ACC?
a good mood.
if an active ACC is the ready condition for insight, then a good mood is the ready condition for an active ACC.
A daily gratitude practice, a daily mindfulness practice, regular exercise, and a good night’s rest.
好的休息能让我们拥有好的心情, 从而能更好的激活 ACC, 发现那些微かな印.
(对我来说听 ASMR 也可以)
Gratitude trains the brain to focus on the positive, altering its normally negatively biased information filtering tendencies.
Mindfulness. gives the ACC more time to consider those alternative, far-flung possibilities.
(这里的 mindfulness 应该是前面介绍的两种中的发散性的 #Mindfulness(正念练习))
Exercise. 锻炼降低了压力水平,将皮质醇从我们的体系中清除,同时增加了让人感觉良好的神经化学物质.
Plus, the time-out from normal life that exercise provides works as an incubation period, the second stage of Poincaré’s creative cycle.
Poincare’s Creativity. The scientist does not study nature… | by Vladimir Kuzmenkov | Medium
这里提到了 Poincaré’s creative cycle, 我在网上查找后发现了这个和 禅和摩托车维修技术 有关,而这本书就是我计划中读的下本书 (我的 acc 已经察觉到了这些,已经在 fire on all cylidenrs)
Sleep. 最重要的. 不解释了.
Step2: Broaden your Horizons
左右脑的划分, 左脑细节, 右脑创造 (有点像 S 和 N)
从桌子下面爬出来,走到户外,环顾四周,必要时重复这个过程。 广大的空间让人思考更多的可能.
说白了, 就是教人锻炼右脑???
Step3: the importance of non-time and no one
non-time: that vast stretch of emptiness between 4:00 A.M., when I start my morning writing session, and 7:30 A.M., when the rest of the world wakes up. This is non-time, a pitch blackness that belongs to no one.
作者介绍了 non-time 的概念, 这个概念太重要了.
作者在这里也简单介绍了 deadlines 的概念, 为什么 deadline 会很高效? 因为我们的关注点主要在细节, 我们主要用左脑思考.
non-time: 我的 non-time trigger:
卧室的大灯全关, 只保留我的床头灯, 睡前会进入一段 non-time, 早上醒后也会进入一段 non-time, 老实说, 在看到这章之前, 我就的的确确的有使用 non-time 习惯, 算是不谋而合了. (甚至,这篇 blog,我觉得我的 blog 里很多都是创造性的 -- 他们的可读性很差, 因为很多是由创造力的联想编制而成的)
Step4: Pattern recognition, search parameters and three-martini lunches
Step5: Think inside the box
我现在一看到 inside the box 就会想到海猫的猫箱...
Limits drive creativity. 六轩岛大爆炸是一切事件的开始.
Step6: Load the pattern recognition system
Creativity requires pattern recognition, but what does pattern recognition require? Ammunition.
“chance favors the prepared mind,”though, by chance, what we really mean is dopamine.
这句话的意思是, 但我们触发模式识别时,我们会触发多巴胺. 这在心流中是十分关键的行为.
在专业化时, 这样的模式识别来分泌多巴胺继续促进模式识别的行为可能会被弱化.
Cast a wide net 可以帮我们解决这个问题, 以自己举例, 玩个 galgame 却能在看书的时候不断想起书中的内容, 算是 best practice 了.
Step7: the MacGyver method
conscious => subconscious
Problem identification
Writing down the problem: the relationship between tactile experience and memory, is key.Incubation
step away from the problem a little while.Free writing
Long-Haul Creativity
这是个很有意思的想法, 而且非常好实践.
激烈的挫折和平静的挫折. 梵高的蓝色的火焰.
“The openness and sensitivity of creative individuals often exposes them to suffering and pain, yet also [to] a great deal of enjoyment,” continues Csikszentmihalyi. “The suffering is easy to understand. The greater sensitivity can cause slights and anxieties that are not usually felt by the rest of us. . . . Being alone at the forefront of a discipline also makes you exposed and vulnerable. . . . It is also true that deep interest and involvement in obscure subjects often goes unrewarded, or even brings on ridicule. Divergent thinking is often perceived as deviant by the majority, and so the creative person may feel isolated and misunderstood. These occupational hazards do come with the territory, so to speak, and it is difficult to see how a person could be creative and at the same time insensitive to them.”
keep your word.
In flow, the three major brain networks that underpin the creative process all work together in an unusual way. The executive network is online but not completely. The part that generates task-specific laser focus is hyperactive; everything else is shut down. This means you can focus on your creative problem, but the inner critic remains silent.
Concurrently, the salience network is both hyperactive and incredibly sensitive. It's tuned into both internal signals being generated by the default mode network and external signals that demand executive attention.
Lastly, the default mode network is wide awake and slightly tweaked.
The anterior cingulate cortex is hyperactive, the amygdala is mostly offline -meaning our ability to do pattern recognition and remote association is jacked up, but the brain's normal bias for negative information is down low.
In other words, flow is the brain on creative overdrive.4 It mimics all the inventiveness that comes with being four years old, just, you know, without the downside of having a four-year-old brain.
“I teach you the Superman. Man is something that is to be overcome. What have you done to overcome him?”
Flow = Rausch 醉意
Nietzsche thought rausch was one of the most powerful experiences we could have, and a foundational requirement for tapping our inner creative genius. “For there to be art,” he wrote in Twilight of the Idols, “for there to be any aesthetic doing and seeing, one physiological precondition is indispensable: Rausch. Rausch must first have enhanced the excitability of the whole machine, else there is no art.”
原来这本书, 是尼采的思想的世俗化读物. 没想到我终究还是重新与尼采接触了.
如何定义心流 Rausch:
- Complete Concentration
- The Merger of Action and awareness
- Our sense of Self Vanishes
- An altered Sense of time
- Paradox of Control
- Autotelic Experience
microflow macroflow 心流的 量化
在心流中, 我们不是使用更多的大脑, 而是使用更少的大脑.
Flow triggers
If you want more flow in your life, then build your life around these triggers.
The ability to focus attention is the most basic way of reducing ontological anxiety, the fear of impotence, of nonexistence.
“ontological anxiety” is both our fear of death and our desire for this life to matter. --- the denial of death.
autonomy needs:
- enough sleep at night
- regular exercise
- be able to work during periods of maximum alertness
- be able to chase flow when desired.
- the art of saying no
the triad is the key.
Complete concentration
90min - 120 min completely of uninterrupted concetration.
Clear Goals
Clear qoals tell us where and when to put our attention.
Immediate Feedback
Clear goals tell us what we’re doing; immediate feedback tells us how to do it better.
determine your “minimal feedback for flow,” or MFF
The Challenge-skill balance
he challenge-skills balance is the most important of flow’s triggers, and it’s worth reviewing why.
pushing dopamine and norepinephrine into our system, enhancing focus, and pushing us into the zone.
High consequences
fail forward
“To reach flow, one must be willing to take risks. The lover must lay bare his soul and risk rejection and humiliation to enter this state.
The athlete must be willing to risk physical harm, even loss of life, to enter this state. The artist must be willing to be scorned and despised by critics and the public and still push on. And the average person—you and me—must be willing to fail, look foolish, and fall flat on our faces should we wish to enter this state.”
社会风险是一个很好的心流触发器, 对于 I 人来说, 更如此
Rich environment
Deep Embodiment
On the threshold between an internal and an external trigger sits deep embodiment.
pattern recognition and risk-taking
刷 leetcode 会是一个最好实践
Learn to think differently
The third thing might be the most important: make creativity a value and a virtue.
共同的明确目标, 共担风险, 完全专注, 密切倾听, 良好沟通, 融合自我, 平等参与, 熟悉性, 控制感, 总是肯定.
Our last trigger, always say yes, is perhaps the most important. It means that interactions should be additive more than argumentative.
心流有四个 stage. 只有完成当前的循环, 才能进入下一个 stage
One thing to note: While flow feels great, it's only one step in a four- step process. And there are a couple of other steps that feel downright unpleasant. In fact, as we'll see, that unpleasantness is a built-in part of the experience. It's an unavoidable biological necessity.
Stage1: Struggle
这一阶段的主要目标: 使 prefrontal cortex 冷静下来.让其 deactivated
When the brain knows what to do, it does. But first, we have to learn what to do, which is what happens in struggle.
In struggle, we again discover that abiding peak performance lesson: our emotions don’t mean what we think they mean. The stage is frustrating by design. For most people, frustration is a sign that they’re moving in the wrong direction, that it’s time to stop, rethink, and regroup. But in struggle, frustration is a sign that you’re moving in the right direction. This way lies flow. Keep going.
心流开始于一种抗争的勇气. courage
Flow starts when we say yes to the fight.
Stage 2: Release
进入 Alpha range 活动
TV won’t work. Release requires brain waves in the alpha range, but the quick cuts of television keep pulling us back to beta.
Stage 3: Flow
flow preservation, ways to avoid four "flow blocker":
- Distraction
- Negative thinking: keep good mood
- Nonoptimal Arousal: keep energy and so on.
- Lack of preparation: both physic and mental
flow amplification:
心流放大器, 无线游戏的密码
在心流状态中加入一些 risk, 能帮助更好进入状态.
并且: Never Trust the Dopamine.
自己的亲身教训了, 心流状态下人会高估自己的能力, 从而对自身实力作出错误判断, 酿成很惨的后果.
Stage 4: Recovery
For sleep: deep delta-wave sleep is required.
recovery is a grit skill
太对了, 很多时候就是没有那个 grit 去好好的睡觉
Active recovery is mindfulness, saunas, stretching, Epsom salt baths,
massage, ice baths, and the like.
这一章把前面的所有内容做了总结, 相复习的话还是建议再读一遍
weave the clear goals into your schedule
- Daily task: 90-120 min 的核心心流. Over time, this constant pushing on yourself and your skills will result in both an astounding amount of grit and, even better, the habit of ferocity.
- making clear goals list(5min)
- mindfulness(20min more)
- load the pattern recognition system (read outside your core area)
- 7-8 hour sleep
- 2-6 hours, one or two times a week: highest-flow activity.